When Randy Orton pulls off a Thesz press, the video starts getting slower. One the other hand, the grappling and overall action seems to move in slow motion. Touches like that are very creative and are great assets to the gameplay. When the wrestlers struggle to their feet, they reach for the ropes to help get back up. As the match continues, the wrestlers get up much more slowly. However, the manner in which the wrestlers get tired is a lot more realistic for this game. There would be a stamina meter and the like. In past landmark wrestling games, wrestlers could get tired. The match gameplay utilizes in-ring psychology very well.
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The actual match pacing plays in a manner that is very consistent with the actual WWE pro wrestling style. On one hand, this is not so bad because the pacing of the matches is a bit more realistic. In terms of the pacing for the matches, the demo is very slow and I really want to emphasize slow. However, the other grappling features and match techniques are a different story. The chain wrestling mini-game works well enough. It is not unlike the Chop Battle or Shoving Match features from earlier Smackdown vs. The wrestlers will engage in a chain grappling mini-game. Most matches are initiated by a chain wrestling sequence or a collar and elbow tie-up. Graphics aside, the gameplay has me very concerned. The fans who have been quite disappointed with the graphics and character models with some of the recent WWE titles will not be let down. Graphically, this is the best WWE game I have ever seen. The character animations and in-game physics are also top-notch. The new-gen visuals look simply fantastic. The handheld videos of the game from GamesCom that were posted online do not do the graphics justice. Right off the bat, I want to express how excellent the new character models and animation look. Also, only the PlayStation 4 version was playable. Two match types were playable for the demo: a normal match or No Holds Barred (basically No DQ, anything goes). So, there were only four playable WWE Superstars: Cesaro, Randy Orton, John Cena and Goldust. The demo on display at the convention appeared to be the same as the one from the 2014 GamesCom. As I have noted in the past, I have been concerned with the lack of actual footage and content released by 2K Games for WWE 2K15.

WWE 2K15 is one of my most anticipated releases this year, so I have been eager to pick up and play the game. This week, at the GameStop, I finally got the chance to play WWE 2K15.